Closets, Closets, Closets!

CLOSETS!!! Whatever is in your closet, be it shoes, bags, dresses, clothes, monsters, dust bunnies, or memory boxes, there is a way to organize it in order to make it the best closet ever! Personally, I have always struggled with keeping my closet clean and organized. Confession time: when I was super young, and my mom would tell me to clean my room, I would just stuff everything possible into my closet… I know, I know, that is not the correct way to clean your room, but unfortunately, while I don’t necessarily stuff things into my closet in the same way I used to, I still have a hard time keeping my closet organized and neat. This is truly a sad thing because closets really have so much potential. You don’t need a huge walk-in closet similar to Hannah Montana’s in order to get the most out of your closet. (Please ignore the Hannah Montana reference). It can be as simple as finding the correct type of shelving to fit your needs to make your closet as functional as possible.

Closets in my mind have so much potential to be a powerhouses of organization. I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge what are in my opinion some of the best closet spaces ever:






Now, don’t let these intimidate you. Here are some more normal, everyday closets that are almost as impressive:






Shelving, bins, shoe racks, drawers, and every other organizational tool you can think of may all go into making your closet amazing. At home, I have a double closet (or two regular sized standard closets, however you want to think about it), and I haven’t really had the opportunity to plan out how I want to use them. I feel like I will eventually want to divide the two into the following two categories: one for shoes, bags, accessories, and coats, and the other for clothes, clothes, and more clothes. That way all the things that I would normally grab on my way out are in one area while my clothes that I will spend precious hours poring over in choosing the perfect outfit will be in another space. To expand on my organizational concepts some more, for my shoe closet, I would like to have cubbies on one half of the closet for the shoes, shelves which vary in size on the other side for bags and accessories, and hooks on the closet doors for my jackets. For the clothes closet, I would like a more traditional closet, with a rack for my hanging clothes (i.e. dresses, tops, etc.) and maybe two shelves above the rack to put bins in for t-shirts, pants, etc.

I hope you all can picture that, I’ve never been much of a descriptive writer… Anywho, that is as good as it’ll get until I actually organize the closets and can come back and post a picture! So hah!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s post as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

🙂 Kaelyn

One thought on “Closets, Closets, Closets!

  1. I enjoyed reading your post, I could definitely imagine the closet you were talking about. For me, I just have an obsession with scarves and will love to have enough space to place or hang them in my closet or a separate one, I am not sure what the best option would be, but stuffing them randomly is not helpful at all for now.

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