Your Living Space and YOU!

With the fear of sounding redundant, this week’s post is all about your space and how it has to cater to your individual needs! There are some really cool tips that you can use in your home to make it the most applicable to your daily life as possibly. If you are really into technology, have a “tech drawer” that has an outlet in the drawer and all the various wires and chargers that you could ever need or want! If you are a painter, have a space that is solely dedicated to your craft, with an abundance of shelves for paints and other supplies. In my childhood home, my mom had a scrapbook room in the basement that was her favorite room in the house because she designed it with all of her scrapbooking needs in mind; filing cabinets for paper, cubbies for stamps and markers, and shelving for storage.

Having an area in your home that is just dedicated to what you love to do will make all the difference. This is your place to escape from the realities of day-to-day living. If you love movies, have a movie room complete with the most comfortable chair imaginable. If you like to sew, have a chair in your living room with a basket next to it with your sewing supplies. To call on personal experiences once again, my grandmother is an excellent embroiderer, and growing up she would always keep her embroidery supplies in a basket near her favorite chair in the house. Now little three-year-old me may have gotten into those supplies and accidentally cut her knee open with the scissors, but that’s a different story….

This area does not have to be anything grandiose or extravagant. A drawer, a basket, a closet, a cubby, or a whole room, it doesn’t matter. To have something that is dedicated whole-heartedly to the task of one of the things you love the most will be wonderful. It will help you to love your home even more because you will have that one area in your home that you know you can escape into with something you love to do. Humans tend to get attached to things easily, hence the tendency to have a specific “spot” or seat in your home in my opinion. I would suggest making this special space in your home your spot.

Until next week where I will talk about spicing up your life at home!

🙂 Kaelyn

One thought on “Your Living Space and YOU!

  1. Great article Kaelyn! I have a vanity spot in my room that is dedicated to me spending that extra time getting ready and pampered. It’s my own little space that caters to my needs and takes me away from other common areas in my home.

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